Shane Wallace showers water from the second story of the West Campus Center on Oct. 26 at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. “Just pride and serving the community…my father was a firefighter,” Wallace said.
City College hosts the Santa Barbara County Fire Department on Oct. 26, on West Campus at the West Campus Center. The SBFD held emergency simulations which included a multi-story fire, search and rescue with simulated victims, and a firefighter mayday.
This allowed firefighters to get live training and preparation for real-life scenarios, while also allowing them to become familiar with the WCC, one of City College’s newest buildings. Their next day of training on campus will be Saturday, Oct. 9 from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Fire Fighter II Garet Blake unreels a firehose from the fire truck on Oct. 26 at the West Campus Center at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. “Every day I come to work I get to help somebody out either with a medical emergency or fire emergency… I get to kind of give back to the community I love,” Blake said. (Anthony Zell)Firefighter Jeff Zampese opens the valves to the water hoses on Oct. 26 at the West Campus Center at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. The simulations are as realistic as possible to give firefighters real-life training and preparation. (Anthony Zell)A Montecito firefighter fogs up his mask on Oct. 26 at the West Campus Center at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. “It was just an opportunity for all of us to get together and practice some the new upcoming processes that are coming up in the near future with our regional dispatch center,” Training Battalion Chief Brandon Paige said. (Anthony Zell)Santa Barbara County firefighters rescue simulated victims from a simulated fire on Oct. 26 at the West Campus Center at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. Other emergency simulations included a multi-story fire and a firefighter mayday. (Anthony Zell)Captain Villarreal looks onward while wearing a smoke mask on Oct. 26 at the West Campus Center at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. Many different fire stations came together for this training session including Montecito, Carpenteria, Summerland, and Santa Barbara City fire departments. (Anthony Zell)Firefighter intern Jonah McGee gets advice from other firefighters on Oct. 26 at the West Campus Center at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. “Just growing up I’ve always wanted to serve and help people and be part of a family and a team,” McGee said. (Anthony Zell)Fire Fighter II Garet Blake lifts an air tank from the back of a firetruck on Oct. 26 at the West Campus Center at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. Fire Fighter II are also known as paramedic firefighters who are trained to fight fires but also provide medical attention. (Anthony Zell)