In the summer of 2006, I drove across the country from New York, to the proverbial, “rest of my life.” I never would have imagined The Channels lab becoming the second home and sanctuary it is. It’s the one place that’s been constant in my life in Santa Barbara.
I value truth and integrity. Both of which I have come to critically question the presence of in today’s mainstream media. Newspapers are a bit blurry to the average American. However, the allure of a physical newspaper, for me, has become something I wish I could impart to the world.
I was a virgin to the journalism world and The Channels deflowered me to a status beyond my most recognizable form. In the fall of ’06, I took Journalism 101. The next fall I would be Opinion editor and now, Editor in Chief. It was a daunting leap and one of the most enduring responsibilities I’ve taken on. I was ready, but not without the support of the now senior staff that carried the paper through this semester.
This spring, The Channels felt the impact of the tragic loss of Brianna Denison. We’ve watched the green space on campus dwindle with the instillation of more portable classrooms. We’ve watched the process of choosing the college’s new president, Andreea Serban.
Editors, we are siblings just with different parents. I guess Patricia, and Zach are the surrogate mother and father of our journalistic lives. Aside from that being a bizarre and sort of creepy thought, Allie, Chris, Helen, Karli, Rhys, and Whitney are the champions of the paper.
To those who’ve weathered the storms of words, ink, and text, may the best come from what is next:
Allie, you’ve got the news. You laid a tough road to follow but I’m glad you came back to deliver online goodness. You’re eye for copy editing is like the T1000’s from Terminator, and probably stolen from our governor’s mansion. I’m so happy I’ll have someone to call in Berkeley to look over all my papers. Actually, seeing as how you’ve taught me so much and will probably be buried in Shakespeare, I’ll call you for a white Russian instead.
Chris, you have more shoes than I could ever dream of owning. And dammit, you’re clothes always match better than me or any of the women on staff. Beyond all that, you’re a fantastic writer. So good, I can actually enjoy reading the sports section. You’re going to make it big and I don’t think you’d have it any other way. Enjoy Ohio State, and you better cook me one of your amazing steaks at the reunion.
Helen, you’re still about as quiet as you were when we first met two years ago, but just as impressive. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still a pretty intense mystery to me (in the best of ways.) One thing I’ve noticed and grown to really appreciate is that 95 percent of the time we’re on the same page. And it’s been a saving grace at some Ed boards. I hope you’re still considering New York City, because it’s a place where many are eaten alive, but you would certainly thrive.
Karli, you’re my secret hero. You’ll knock some sense into me whenever I’m stuck. Without your amazing ability to just do it, and get it done, the paper would have been 12-16 pages of text with close to no photos. Who else in the world would finish my edits after I’ve fallen asleep to drool all over them the night before press? Your pictures make me smile at life. Too bad they can’t express how much you should be writing too. And hey, you are going to San Francisco! Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.
Rhys, I’ve watched you work your ass off to the ends of the universe and never let loose a grunt. You’ve given the college something to think about every week with your honest editorials. If I had to describe you, a “strong willed individual” is a gross understatement. You’ve got the world ahead of you man. And since you live in Hawaii and all, you’ll be booking us that Channels reunion in 10 years, right?
Whitney, you’re a quick learner. You came on staff only last semester and probably could have done the job of Arts and Entertainment Editor blindfolded. You offer a balance to the Ed board which without, I fear we’d all shrivel under the pressure. During the most tense of days, your infectious and uproarious laugh is like gold. I’ll need your address at Arizona State to send you all sorts of crossword puzzles from the west coast.
Sebastian, you’ve taught me to curse in Swedish! You’re the brother I wish I had. Just be sure to put all sorts of warning labels on your coffee wherever it is you decide to settle down; that stuff is dangerous.
Patricia, you were an intimidating force at first, but I quickly saw how much I could learn from your experiences. Never have I had a teacher that understood things so well from the student’s perspective. I take great pride in being one of your students, while your pride in journalism shows and often leads the way for the rest of us at the paper. Your daily foresight is invaluable. Thank you for each and every opportunity that you have given me.
Zach, OMG! Zach! OMG Zach, last and far from least. You are the one who makes my paragraph-a-person limit feel so wrong. I blame _____ , well I’m not sure who I’ll blame today, but it’s there. You make everything possible! I can’t imagine ever hearing anyone else’s name called out for help more than yours. On print weeks, I would crawl under my desk and sleep through the storm if it wasn’t for your ability to get me grounded. You get yourself a classroom and start teaching because I’d feel spoiled and selfish knowing so many more could benefit and learn so much from you. Share the wealth!
Working at The Channels has given me an incontestable opportunity to learn, grow and share the truth and integrity we posses as supreme assets. May it remain that way forever.