A growth in the number of international students and their cost of tuition has increased revenue at City College and allowed for fewer layoffs and budget reductions.
According to the 2012-2013 adopted budget, local college revenue has increased $1.9 million, in part due to the addition of 200 more international students and an increase in their tuition cost from $256 per unit to $258. City College has a total of 1,600 international students, which is nearly eight percent of the approximated 20,000 credit students on campus.
Joe Sullivan, vice president of business services, said the increase in international students has lessened the burden of budget cuts.
“We haven’t had to do significant layoffs like other colleges,” Sullivan said. “There’s a real benefit.”
With less courses offered due to budget restraints, City College has fewer in-state students able to attend college than in years past. Sullivan said the high cost of international student tuition helps make up for the lost revenue of having fewer students.
“They’re contributing their full share,” Sullivan said. “It’s a benefit to our California students.”
Carola Smith, senior director of international programs, feels that City College’s well-known reputation enhances its international appeal.
“In many countries it is well known we are a top ten college in the U.S.,” said Smith. “City College has a longstanding commitment to international students. We have over seventy different nationalities on campus.”
At $258 per unit with added health and enrollment fees, a 12-credit course load for an international student comes out to $3,616. A similar course load for an in-state student who pays $46 per unit comes out to $552.
Finance major Yizhou Zeng, 20, who is from China, is happy to pay the higher fees.
“We have a chance to come here, I love Santa Barbara City College,” said Zeng. “I think it’s ok, we can make the school more beautiful.”