Sarah Maninger
Paula Muñoz observes past project designs similar to the upcoming renovation of the Sports Pavillion on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019, in the Sports Pavilion at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif.
LPA, the architecture firm hired to renovate the City College athletic complex, set up a display of potential plans in the Sports Pavilion for students to voice their opinions on Wednesday.
The firm was hired earlier in the semester to complete a four-year-long renovation of the Sports Pavilion, which includes the Life Fitness Center, offices and classrooms.
Winston Bao, director of programming and furniture services for LPA described Wednesday’s display as “chapter one.”
Images of past projects, completed mostly by LPA, were printed on storyboards and lined the second-floor hallway of the pavilion. Students were given red and green dots to mark which pictures they liked and which ones they disliked. On the opposite side of the hallway were boards that asked questions like “what is your highest priority that would define success for the Physical Education Complex and why?”
Students were encouraged to post their responses on Post-It Notes.
“How can you solve a problem until you know the problem you’re solving?” Bao said.
The renovation is in its planning stage and is set to begin construction in August 2021.
“This [building] needs an update,” said City College student Paula Munoz.
One of the many goals of the new building is to help get students motivated to workout and take part in City College’s health and wellness programs.
Since the beginning, LPA has wanted to include students’ voices in the planning of the new complex.
Other ideas included a healthy snack shop and an open-air meeting space.
“Today’s purpose is about listening to students,” Bao said.