As Deltopia weekend approaches, City College offers many resources students can use to prepare for the event and take care of themselves afterward.
Deltopia Week
In the week leading up to Deltopia The Well and Student Health Services will send out information and host events to educate the campus community about safety measures they can take in case of an emergency.
“We’ll be talking about how to keep safe in terms of alcohol and harm reduction,” Mental Health Counseling Department Co-Chair Lacy Peters said. “How to help with blackouts and make sure people are staying within their limits.”
In the case of an immediate emergency City College’s health services have a wide variety of emergency phone numbers accessible through their crisis hotline page.
“We’ll also have information on how to call 911, warning signs for alcohol poisoning, warning signs for drug overdose . . . and what people can do while they’re waiting for help,” Peters said.
Drug Testing Resources
Student Health Services also provides free Narcan/Naloxone kits and Fentanyl test strips along with instructions on how to use them in the case of an overdose.
“It’s all anonymous. You can just come pick up a box, pick up some test strips with some information on how to use it,” Peters said. “Narcan is super helpful because it’s like a fire extinguisher that you don’t need till you need it.”
Additionally, the Anchor Program on campus serves to educate, aid and provide students with confidential counseling who may be struggling or recovering from substance abuse.
Sexual Assault
While Deltopia weekend is known for its heavy substance use there is a high rate of sexual assault that occurs during Deltopia and Isla Vista parties in general.
For anyone affected Student Health Services provides short-term confidential mental health counseling to students who have paid the student health fee and are enrolled in a credit class.
Students can schedule an appointment through the school website or their student health portal on their MySBCC dashboard.
They also supply free condoms and pregnancy tests at a reduced price with $7 for one and $10 for two.
Although Deltopia has ingrained itself into the culture and history of Santa Barbara like any party it’s important to take the necessary precautions to be safe.
“It’s changed a lot over the years,” Peters said. “I think part of it’s really listening to your own intuition about knowing what you feel is right for you and if something doesn’t feel right listen to that. If you don’t feel right somewhere it’s okay to leave.”
The Student Health Services is located in Room 170 on the first floor of the Student Services Building and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
The Well is open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays, and by appointment only on Fridays. It is located in East Campus Classroom 21 across from the Basic Needs Center.
Policies in Isla Vista
Over the years law enforcement has been building up its presence in Isla Vista during Deltopia weekend and this year is no exception. With new rules and regulations on parties, participants are recommended to read over the laws and policies applicable to the event.
To aid in the organization of parties the Isla Vista Foot Patrol (IVFP) has a party registration program for residents and community policies as well.
Throughout this event party-goers are also advised to take extra precautions while on balconies or bluffs.