Track and Field runner Zet Contreras participates in Kindness Day on Nov. 13 in Santa Barbara, Calif. Contreras visited each booth and received tokens from each as well as pizza and a cupcake.
On Wednesday, Nov. 13, City College celebrated Kindness day on the West Campus lawn hosted by Enrollment Services, The WELL, The Promise, Raíces, and the Ambassadors program.
The event provided students with interactive activities to remind them of the importance of being kind to one another. Candy grams, face painting, and other crafts were displayed from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for students to participate in.
City College student Marian Gil Solis paints a glittery green spider on her friend at Kindness Day on Nov. 13 on the West Campus Lawn in Santa Barbara Calif. Interactive booths were set up by different programs on campus. (Sylvia Stewart)The Well’s Student Program Advisor, Becky Bean hands out tea and hand lotion to students on Nov. 13 on the West Campus Lawn in Santa Barbara, Calif. “I have a wide selection of tea for students to try.” Bean said.The Ambassadors Program hosts a both allowing students to paint and draw on rock on Nov. 13 in Santa Barbara, Calif. (Sylvia Stewart)The Associated Student Government poses for their social media platforms encouraging students to participate in Kindness Day on Nov. 13 in the Great Campus Lawn in Santa Barbara, Calif. ASG is one of the programs hosting the event. (Sylvia Stewart)