With so much happening around the City College community, The Channels would like to offer a single place for essential information. So we’ll be compiling a weekly list of current and upcoming events to keep readers up to date on campus news.

Financial aid applications are now open, for help with submitting applications a workshop is being offered over zoom on Nov. 9 from 2 – 4 p.m. In order to get the most out of the meeting, attendees are asked to bring the following documents: 2021 student/ parent tax information and W2s, social security numbers for both parents and students, a permanent resident card number, and a driver’s license. Join this zoom meeting to join the workshop and to find more information email mmortega1@pipeline.sbcc.edu.
Fall sports are still in session and there are many games this upcoming week. On Tuesday, Nov. 8 the women’s soccer team will be playing Moorpark College at 7 p.m. at La Playa Stadium. On Wednesday, Nov. 9 the women’s volleyball team will be playing LA Pierce at 6 p.m. in the City College sports pavilion. To finish off the week the Men’s soccer team will be playing Oxnard at 7 p.m. at La Playa Stadium.