At the Associated Student Government meeting held on Nov. 4, members on the board approved two new clubs and discussed events, internal developments, and City College’s ranking against other community colleges in standards of equity.
ASG unanimously approved President Giulio Morini Bianzio’s current events club charter. He expressed the importance of students having access to a space where they can be educated about issues occurring around the world. The club’s weekly meetings will surround “social, political, environmental, and cultural events,” according to the club charter.
“We really want to make people step up and work towards change, and I think that starts with being informed,” Bianzio said.
With ASG’s unanimous approval of the club’s charter, students can now join to attend meetings and events held by the club.
The SBCC Cheer club’s Captain Jem Sarmiento was also granted ASG’s approval of her club’s charter, which outlines their goals to cheer for all of City College’s athletic teams. She emphasized the importance of cheerleading as being more than just sideline cheering.
“It takes more than that,” Sarmiento said. “It’s about finding yourself.”
An “SBCC Olympics” is in the works for students to participate in various sports in competitions against one another. Teams will be open to all and will include competitions between teams of international students and local students. They will be “all gender- inclusive and students with special accommodations” are welcome to join in the event which will span over several days. Further details will transpire in weeks to come.
Students may not know that the ASG officers receive stipends for the work they do. Potential changes to the current status of their payments are under development.
Rather than being paid a minimum of $300 to a maximum of $600 per semester, an increased maximum of $800 for the executive and a maximum of $250 for the remaining officers, would instead materialize monthly. These numbers are subject to change as this was ASG’s first time reviewing the proposal made by advisor Christopher Johnson.
A new volunteering program was proposed to the student senate by President Chernor Diallo, which would invite students to participate in the “college-decision making process” by assisting ASG with planning events and making changes for City College.
“This is open to every student on campus who would like to get involved with ASG,” Diallo said.
The board is also extending its power to the Schott and Wake Campuses to involve non-credit students in actions made by ASG. One representative will be able to run for a position on ASG to represent the two non-credit campuses.
“The goal is to get our noncredit students involved, and also recognize them as a part of SBCC,” the president said. “We also want to make sure they are included in everything that happens on campus.”
Commissioner of Fundraising Lexa Welch and Commissioner of International Affairs Emelie Beckman shared the information they learned at the Student Senate for Community Colleges Higher Education Coalition Conference.
They were informed that of the 190 community colleges in California, City College was “ranked very, very low” in measures of equity.
“That was quite disturbing information to get,” Beckman said.
The second club day of the semester will take place Tuesday, Nov. 8 on West Campus where students can learn information about starting clubs and how to join them.
Future developments for events and improvements at City College will manifest at the next meeting on Nov. 11.