The past Friday’s Associated Student Government meeting went over a Valentine’s Day tabling event, “Compost Collective”, elections for next year’s officers and appointed a new Vice President of Operations and Finance.
The ASG is a governmental body that represents students’ administrative affairs.
President Allegra Kabukapua Kalombo then brought up a Valentine’s Day tabling event that ASG will host on campus for students.
“It is the first event that the Associated Student Government is doing on campus that is not a vaccine campaign committee,” Vice President of Internal Affairs Cameron Black said. “I think it is really key that the student body gets a taste of who the student government is and it is a really good way to connect with the students.”
The tabling event will take place on Valentine’s Day, Monday, Feb. 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and have members of ASG handing out goodies like chocolates, roses, cookies and cards to students.
Isla Vista Community Representative Jonathan Dinh then delivered a report on Compost Collective, a way students living in Isla Vista can provide materials for a small compost that will then be put into a garden.
“I think it’s a great way for CC students to be a part of something and contribute to something bigger,” Dinh said.
The position of Vice President of Operations and Finance opened up due to previous officer ZhiNing Cui stepping down. Commissioner of Fundraising Robert Roysner applied for the position. The whole board voted yes and appointed him as the new Vice President.
The positions of commissioner of clubs and organizations, secretary and now Commissioner of Fundraising are still open and available for students to apply for. Students can find the application, along with the descriptions of the two positions, on the link on ASG’s Instagram bio. Applications are due by Thursday, Feb. 10 at 12 p.m.
Advisor Amy Collins reported how new elections for the 2022-2023 school year need to happen before spring break. This is so new elected officers can receive proper training in time for the new school year in the fall.
“Training is what inspired for everyone to get to know each other,” Collins said.
The ASG will reconvene to discuss further plans for Spring 2022 next Friday, Feb. 11.