Club charters, appointing vacant board positions and assessing the 2021-2022 budget were some of the items included in this week’s past Associated Student Government meeting on Friday, Oct. 15.
The Gamers United and Esports Clubs received unanimous approval from the ASG, making the club total at City College 17, according to Student Program Advisor Amy Collins.
“The club is a positive space for people who are interested in gaming, whether that be video games or board games,” said student Davis Jones, the representative for Gamers United. Jones also spoke on behalf of the Esports Club since club president Nick Hernandez was not available.
The recently proposed “Let’s Get Vaccinated” campaign is still a work in progress. The ASG, which acts as a voice and representative for students in administrative matters, plans to promote the event by creating posters and informational videos that would provide insight, personal experiences and resources.
Vice President, Special Assistant to the Superintendent-President Joyce Coleman suggested the student officers create the campaign encouraging the City College community to get vaccinated during last week’s meeting. Coleman also said the ASG would be paid for their work in organizing the campaign.
The student senate recently lost two of its members, Commissioner of Clubs Tanja Jefferson and Vice President of Internal Affairs Rafael Carrillo. Secretary Cameron Black was the only student officer volunteering to take over the vacant position of Vice President of Internal Affairs.
The concern was raised that Black not being in Santa Barbara would affect his ability to hold this position.
“Fortunately technology is a major piece [of]… the ASG in this semester in general. But a key piece in keeping communication,” Black said.
Vice President of Operations and Finance ZhiNing Cui also presented a “rough budget” for the fall 2021 semester.
The budget presented was based on the ASG Student Representation Trust Fund. The money comes from the $2 student representation fee paid at the beginning of each semester. Half goes to the ASG and the rest goes to the Student Senate for the California Community Colleges. The revenue for this semester, as of Oct. 15, is $128,786.47.
Cui broke down the estimated draft of the budget with how the money would be divided and spent throughout.
ASG Officer Stipends – $14,000
ASG Training – $1,050
Inter-Club Council Support – $500
Student Legal Center – $8,000
Activities for Advocacy Purposes – $1,000
“What is there that’s available on campus that some students might not know about like the Student Legal Support?… What can we do to promote those?” Black said about available student resources on campus. The Student Legal Center has been closed since fall 2020 due to COVID-19.
“This semester we don’t currently have it available because I’ve had difficulties on finding someone to come and counsel our students,” Collins said. “The goal would be to have it back in spring 2022.”
The ASG will reconvene next Friday, Oct. 22.