Four COVID-19 cases have been confirmed on Santa Barbara City College’s campus.
The first two cases were reported on Tuesday, Aug. 31 in an email sent by Acting Executive Director of Public Affairs and Communications Victor Bryant. The two students were last on campus on Thursday, Aug. 26, and were present between the hours of 8 a.m. and 12:35 p.m. on the second floor of the Interdisciplinary Building.
The following day Bryant updated the campus community with the third case. The student last attended classes on Aug. 23 and 25, between 9:35 a.m. and 10:55 a.m. on the first floor of the West Campus Classroom Building.
This morning Bryant sent an email informing of the fourth case. The student visited the first and second floors of the Campus Bookstore on Monday, Aug. 30 between 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
“We want to communicate when we have positive cases so people know we are being transparent,” Bryant said in an interview with The Channels.
Resolution No. 1 COVID-19 Immunization states that the acting superintendent-president may direct a class or department to return to online classes if three or more cases of COVID-19 are confirmed in said class or department within a week.
There is no further information as to whether or not certain classes or departments will return to distanced learning at this time.
The students who have been exposed in the Interdisciplinary Building and West Campus Classroom Building received emails from their teachers advising them to get a test for the virus. City College has an on-campus test site located at the Sports Pavilion on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the fall term.
Bryant encourages students to continue wearing masks and following the campus COVID-19 safety protocols. Students who are vaccinated are eligible to receive a vaccine sticker for their student ID, which is available at the Office of Student Life.