With so much happening around the City College community, The Channels would like to offer a single place for the most important information. We’ll be compiling a weekly list of current and upcoming events to keep readers up to date on campus news.

-The SBCC Foundation, Explore Ecology and community partners have received a $100,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Education program to launch the Santa Barbara Ecological and Edible (SBEE) Garden Project.
The project aims to unite local gardens, students and community members to improve access to freshly grown food and provide information about ecosystems and biodiversity.
Community partners include the SBCC Permaculture Garden, around 30 Explore Ecology School Garden sites and the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.

-The Santa Barbara Ecological and Edible (SBEE) Garden Program will host a webinar on monarch butterflies and native pollinators from 11:40 a.m. to 1:40 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, on Zoom.
-Priority registration for the Fall 2021 semester will begin on April 21. Students can view their registration date and time by logging into Pipeline and clicking on “Registration.” To view the course offerings for the fall semester, visit www.sbcc.edu/classes. For questions regarding priority registration or loss of priority registration visit the Admissions & Records Priority Registration Page.

-The SBCC Foundation will center their Campus Conversation on the SBCC Promise. The conversation will be held at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 21, on Zoom. The foundation will discuss updates, the future and how the program is beneficial for students. Sergio Lagunas, Promise recipient and SBCC Promise manager, will share his experience with the program.

-The Santa Barbara AmeriCorps, in partnership with Northern Santa Barbara County United Way, will hold an informational meeting at 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, on Zoom. This event will discuss how to serve veterans and those experiencing homelessness. To register for this meeting in advance, click the link here.