March 2 – 1:25 p.m.
A student’s bicycle was stolen over the weekend. The student says she locked her bike at a rack near the West Campus Center on Friday, Feb. 29 around 5 p.m. When she returned on Monday morning the bicycle was gone, but the lock was still secured to the rack. The student says the bike is a red Trek road bike worth about $150.
March 3 – 1:30 p.m.
The dean’s office notified campus security that a banned City College applicant was trespassing on campus. The man was banned from campus when he became agitated and displayed disruptive behavior toward admissions staff during the application process. The man had returned to campus to ask the dean to revisit the case when he again became disruptive and was asked to leave. Security found the man at the entrance to East Campus where he was yelling and making vulgar gestures toward the officers. At one point he even walked into traffic and was almost hit by a passing vehicle. The suspect eventually left the campus without further incident.
March 3 – 8:10 p.m.
An unknown vandal tagged “Bernie!” in several men’s restrooms across West Campus. So far there have been three separate incidents and no suspects at this time. Anyone with information is encouraged to reach out to campus security.