James Von Essen
At the Sustainability Workgroup’s first meeting this semester, it appointed the leaders of five task forces within the workgroup that will work towards addressing water, waste, energy, food and transportation on campus.
Food – Adam Green
In addition to chairing the workgroup, Adam Green will head the food task force.
Green is working on a USDA-funded study grant that collects and analyzes data on food insecurity at City College, UCSB and Allan Hancock College.
“I’m hoping this will get us some good data surrounding food insecurity on campus,” Green said.
Green plans to focus on offering more vegetarian and vegan options, less food waste, bringing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to campus, and teaching students different methods of affordable cooking.
Transportation – Raeanne Napoleon
Raeanne Napoleon has been teaching on campus since 2012. As an advocate for reducing single-occupant vehicles, she bikes to school.
Napoleon is in favor of a Cliff Drive remodel that supports safer routes for bikers.
“It benefits you in a lot of ways,” Napoleon said. “My biggest thing is to push cycling.” Napoleon said her motto is “let’s burn more carbohydrates than carbohydrogen.”
She said she wants to reduce single-occupant vehicles by educating people on the environmental, physical and mental benefits of alternative transportation options.
Energy – William Dinklage
Bill Dinklage has been teaching a variety of geology classes for eight years.
Dinklage has been involved with the workgroup since it started two years ago and said he does his best to stay in touch with the sustainability department regarding energy use on campus, like for the sports pavilion remodel.
“Some of the higher priorities in my perspective are going to be adding more solar panels and getting the buildings electrically metered to figure out which buildings are using the most energy,” Dinklage said.
Waste – Justina Buller
Justina Buller started teaching history in 2014. She said she took on the role in the task force because, in her teaching, she doesn’t get the chance to directly teach on practical applications for sustainability.
“I didn’t start off considering myself an environmental historian until my research guided me in that direction,” Buller said.
Waste reduction is something she personally advocates for.
“I really feel like it’s much more about changing people’s minds and the culture,” Buller said.
Water – Michael Gonella
Michael Gonella has been teaching horticulture on campus for 14 years and is the department chair for the environmental horticulture department.
“I chose [the water task force] because this one is closest to my expertise,” Gonella said.
Gonella has collaborated with facilities in recent years to make efforts towards replacing grass and lawns with more eco-friendly and less water-demanding landscape.
The task force will focus on reviewing sustainable practices on campus, which include proposals for the Sustainability Fund, a student-generated fee that will be allocated to projects that aim at improving campus climate.
Now that the task force is composed of mostly staff and faculty, each leader can focus on conquering the SBCC District Sustainability Plan.