The Associated Student Government decided Friday to revise its student representation and general funds to remove the stipend budget and increase its budgets for committee meeting food and event supplies.

Maggie Hodgins, Commissioner of Clubs and Organizations.
Due to a campus-wide concern of a lack of transparency in regards to the stipend budget, the officers removed the stipends from their student representation fund.
“We’re removing $15,000 for the stipends and I think that is a really good thing,” Maggie Hodgins, commissioner of clubs and organizations, said. “I’m glad it’s gone.”
The senate is inviting members of the campus to join the student fund committee to further analyze the money it has and how it should be properly spent.
“The whole reason this committee has been put together is to discuss the propriety of what money can come out of the student representation fund,” President Dylan Raiman said.
As the discussion moved over to the senate’s general fund, or money that the senate has earned through fundraising, the senate proposed to increase its budget to provide food at its executive meetings. The food will be provided for the officers and anyone from the public who participates in the meetings on Monday nights.
Although Raiman is not allowed to participate in the voting process for the student government, he expressed his concerns about approving this budget increase.
“When we go into this student fund committee, I want to be able to show them that the money we are spending is on programming, projects and initiatives,” Raiman said. “If they look at this budget and see a large number for our executive meeting food, that doesn’t look good to the students, that doesn’t look good to faculty or any people on this committee.”
Despite Raiman’s advice, the officers voted to increase this budget by 400 percent.

Yeihoon Choi, Vice President of Operations and Finance
Originally, the student government apportioned 3.4 percent, or $200, of its general fund for food at executive meetings. After its new revision, the fund increased to 10.5 percent, or $800.
“We come here every Monday at 5:30—that’s dinner time— and we spend like two hours here every time,” Yeihoon Choi, vice president of operations and finance, said. “This comes from the general fund, not the student representation fund so I don’t see what the problem is.”
A large majority of the senate agreed.
The last increase took place in the budgets apportioned for student government events and supplies. This budget is apparent in both the student representation fund and the general fund.
The budget increased by 50 percent in the student representation fund and by 300 percent in the general fund.
This increase revision will allow for the officers to hold more events, and to design and order shirts to promote the student government.
Even though the student government did increase budgets in a few places, it is still at a large surplus in both of its funds.
As the 2017 budgets are always open to revisions, this is not the last time the money will be addressed.