Dec. 2—9:30 a.m.
Security found graffiti on the first floor of the Earth and Biological Sciences Building. The graffiti has since been removed.
Dec. 5—2:45 p.m.
Security found a student in distress on the second floor of the Student Services Building. The student told security of an off-campus incident, wherein the student was attacked by two individuals, leaving facial injuries. The student was advised to file a police report.
Dec. 7—3:19 p.m.
Reckless driving was reported at the parking structure. The vehicle was in the fire lane behind the Luria Library when security found the driver.
Dec. 19—1:23 p.m.
Security received a report of tools being stolen from the Business and Communication Center Building. A City College hired private contractor for campus maintenance found that a drill, three batteries, and a charger were stolen when he returned from a lunch break. The items were worth between $300 and $400.
Jan. 19—5:00 p.m.
Security confiscated a misused handicap placard from a vehicle parked in Lot 5-4. The placard was registered to a relative of the student. Security then forwarded the placard to Santa Barbara Police for a report and fines.
Jan. 23—8:30 a.m.
A female student reported that she was being stalked off campus by a male City College student. She has since filed a police report.
Jan. 23—9:00 p.m.
Security received a call reporting damage to a student’s car due to a hit-and-run in Lot 1-B. Since the suspect has yet to be found, this case is still open.