Stephanie Linder and Eamon O’Byrne watch election results on Tuesday, Nov. 8, at The Mill Restaurant and Brewery in Santa Barbara. “If this continues, we will probably be moving back to Ireland,” said Linder.
The Channels covered election night in Santa Barbara on Nov. 8, and here is a photo gallery of the night. Photographers attended the Democratic party at the Mill a few blocks off of State Street, and the Republican party at Benchmark Eatery on State Street.
Here is a list of the elections covered by The Channels:
Presidential election—Donald Trump becomes 45th president
24th District congressional race—Salud Carbajal beats Justin Fareed
3rd District Board of Supervisors election—Joan Hartman beats Bruce Porter
Proposition 55—California continues to tax wealthiest residents to support schools
Proposition 64—Marijuana for recreational use is legalized in California
Proposition 67—Single-use plastic bags are banned in California
Measures E and F—Isla Vista gains self-governance