The Student Senate will write a letter in support of Isla Vista community organizers’ opposition to a proposed amendment to change Santa Barbara County’s current noise ordinance.
If passed, the amendment would change the county’s current midnight noise curfew to 10 p.m., which is mainly aimed to lower Isla Vista’s late-night noise levels. The proposal has received scrutiny from Isla Vista residents and students for it’s lack of legitimacy, research and community involvement.
“This really shows the lack of representation,” said Ethan Bertrand, Isla Vista community organizer and activist. “This doesn’t reflect the will of the people.”
Bertrand and fellow community organizer Spencer Brant expressed their concerns of potential consequences from altering the noise curfew.
“I’m very concerned about the negative effects it will have with the relationship between law enforcement and the community,” Bertrand said. “This will lead to the type of environment that lead up to the Deltopia unrest in 2014,” Bryant added, referring to the riots that broke out between party-goers and police officers.

“It’s all related to addressing crime issues and quality of life,” said Lieutenant Ruben Cintron, of Isla Vista Foot Patrol. “The hope is to address burglaries and physical assault.”
Although the Student senators disagree with the time bump for different reasons, it came to a unanimous agreement that Sheriff’s Officials did not involve the community when creating the amendment.
Student Senate President Dylan Raiman agreed on Friday to write a letter, which will argue against the amendment, to the Sheriff’s Officials. “It was very irresponsible how the county went about proposing this ordinance.”
The senate plans to take further action by potentially polling the Isla Vista student residents about the proposal.
“We are at a crucial time in Isla Vista,” said Bertrand. “I encourage students and residents to think about self governance.”