March 17—3 p.m.
A former student was running the wrong way on the La Playa Stadium track and was purposely trying to run into others. After the 28-year-old man almost made contact with another male, a verbal dispute broke out. The track and field team was practicing and one of the instructors noticed and broke up the argument. Campus Security was contacted but could not get the man to cooperate, so they called the police. The individual was not arrested, but was told he was not allowed back on campus.
March 15—11:50 a.m.
Security confiscated a misused disability placard from a student parked in Lot 4D on West Campus. The registration on the placard didn’t match the name on the parking permit. The placard belonged to an individual that the student takes care of, but was not with at the time. Security will give the placard to the Department of Motorized Vehicles. On top of the fees issued by the department, the student received a $350 citation from campus security.
March 17— 2:30 p.m.
Two male students got into a physical altercation after comments were exchanged on March 15. One student shoved another after a series of verbal comments were exchanged on the second floor of the Physical Education Building. The student who was shoved didn’t react physically and eventually reported it to campus security. The Santa Barbara Police Department was contacted and took a report of the incident, but no one was arrested. The incident is still under investigation by the college, so minimal details were shared. Both students were referred to the dean of student discipline.
March 17 — 8 a.m.
A spare tire was stolen from one of the City College facilities golf carts while it was parked outside of the library. The tire was flat and was sitting in the back of the cart before it was stolen. The replacement cost is $100.
March 17 — 9:40 a.m.
Security confiscated a misused disability placard on a car parked in Lot 2A. They checked the registration of the parking permit and placard and found differences. The student misusing the placard originally said it belonged to him, but after further questioning said that it belonged to his grandfather who had passed away 10 years ago. Security confiscated the placard and will hand it over to the Department of Motorized Vehicles. Security issued the student a $350 citation.
March 22 — 11:00 am
A male student was verbally harassed by another male student at the Schott Center, which resulted in a heated argument. A staff member noticed the altercation and intervened before any physical fighting broke out. Security arrived and identified the two individuals, but did not contact police. The two students have been referred to the dean of student discipline.