After several accusations directed toward The Channels, the Associated Student Government agreed to hold a meeting outside of the set agenda for the semester due to a lack of time to discuss a variety of items.
Those items include:
- Further discussion by Metropolitan Transit District members about proposed fees and the current summer bus route.
- Discussion on the decision the student senate made regarding citations being given on campus.
- A proposal for the student senate to contribute money for a study on the community services district in Isla Vista. More than $6000 is needed to begin study.
- Student Trustee Nicholas Steil’s idea of recycling cigarette butts on campus.
- Steil’s appeal on the elections committee regarding the flaws in the current policies for the election.
Although discussion of The Channels was not in the agenda for the meeting, senate members and a member of administration mentioned their emotions following past published stories.
Referring to past stories The Channels has done on the student senate, Caleb Ransom, vice president of external affairs, voiced his opinion on allegedly false information being used.
“We don’t fully support absolutely everything The Channels is writing,” Ransom said.
“I read The Channels a few times and a lot of their facts, they’re not facts at all.”
He added that he feels the paper has misrepresents what senate members have said or done in the past.
Even though Ransom mentioned The Channels not writing about facts, he did not clarify what it allegedly lied about in past stories.
President Colette Brown later expressed her emotions regarding what the paper mentioned in an editorial about Allison Canning, advisor of associated student government.
On the topic of administration agreeing to implement issuing citations, Joe Sullivan, vice president of business services, had concerns about opinions allegedly made in the comment section of an article The Channels published.
According to Sullivan, the article addressed the decision to issue citations on campus and stated it as being persecuting toward students.
“We are not persecuting students, we are enforcing the policy that’s for the health and safety of everyone on campus,” Sullivan said. “I just want to make sure there’s not that type of confusion sitting out there, because that type of comment creates a lot of negativity that personally we don’t need.”
Through review following Sullivan’s claim, a story including the words “persecuting students” has not been written.
While many senators voiced their frustration with the negative publicity, the issues plaguing the senate were not discussed at length.
The date for the next meeting has not been decided yet.