A City College student informed the Associated Student Government about the dangerous and inconvenient changes the Metropolitan Transit District bus routing system makes over the summer.
“I think it would be safer for students,”said Student Trustee Nicholas Steil. “People are literally running for their lives.”
The student, Howard Green, has taken classes at City College for almost six semesters and depends on the bus system for his main transportation.
He pointed out that buses aren’t scheduled to drop off students on West Campus during the summer like they normally do during the school year. Green suggested that the transit district change their routes so the number 5 or the number 17 buses can take over Route 16 over for the summer.
George Amoon, planning manager for the transit district, said the changing of the routes would be difficult because of the constrained traffic circle on West Campus. Having two buses in the circle at a time is likely to happen, causing a scheduling issue because of the time it would take for each bus to leave the parking lot.
“When you add time to a trip that means additional hours,” Amoon said. “Additional time on to a trip means additional costs.”
The current Route 16 doesn’t run during the summer sessions because of the fewer number of students enrolled. Amoon said taking away one route over the summer may not seem like it saves a lot of money, but that it eventually does.
“We don’t have buses turning out of West Campus onto Cliff Drive out of concern for that intersection,” Amoon said.
He also added the issue that they don’t allow left turns to be made on Cliff Drive off of West campus.
Cliff Drive is a very busy road that consists of everyday drivers and City College students rushing to make it to class on time, making it dangerous for pedestrians crossing the street.
“It’s unbelievable there’s no cross walk there,”said Senator Ethan Bertrand.
Additional money provided from City College or from the City of Santa Barbara would be necessary to have the buses run Route 16 over the summer.
There will be a Metropolitan Transit District board meeting to discuss requested changes at 8 .a.m. Tuesday, April 28, 550 Olive Street in Santa Barbara.