Nov. 13 – N.D.
The Channels student newspaper reported to Campus Security that a camera was stolen. A student, formerly in the program, had borrowed the equipment but never returned it. His instructor contacted him but the student wouldn’t return phone calls and stopped attending class. Security will try to make contact with the student on campus, but if not possible they will file a police report.
Nov. 18 – 10:30 a.m.
A female student reported to security that an individual was harassing her at her work place off-campus. The male, who is not a student, was interested in a relationship with the female, however the feelings were not mutual. Security informed her to contact them incase he comes on campus and disturbs her.
Nov. 18 – 12:45 p.m.
A student’s bike was stolen from the racks near the intersection of Rancheria Street and Cliff Drive. The student said that she had parked her bicycle 8 a.m. and when she returned at 12:45 p.m. the 1970s green cruiser was missing. Campus Security advised her to report the theft to the police.
Nov. 19 – 12:10 p.m.
Two students, one male and one female, reported that an individual had bothered them on West Campus. The couple said that the person had harassed the girlfriend and also had seen him bothering other women on campus. The boyfriend stated that he confronted the male and then received threats from the individual who said that he would “kick his butt.” The couple had seen the male on several occasions and they were advised to call security if they see him again.
Nov. 19 – 8 a.m.
Security received a report of a male student who smashed the counter with a rolling pin in the cafeteria bakeshop located in the Campus Center. According to the report, the student was upset because of a relationship between him and a female student in the class. The instructor contacted Security the day after the incident, and it’s currently under investigation.