November 1, 2012
Halloween is the time of year when being a wizard is completely acceptable to most people.
One student decided to take it to the next level. Oct. 25 at 10:50 a.m., Security received a report of a student displaying odd behavior at the counseling department in the Student Services building. He went up to the counselor to discuss a change of major; He wanted to be a Magician. City College, unlike The Avalon Mystery School and Hogwarts, does not have a course on Merlin. The counselor called security and reported that this student had acted strangely before. The Dean of Student Discipline will meet with the student.
City College stayed calm and incident free this Halloween.
“Halloween went well. There were no issues. We don’t ever have any issues here on campus,” said Erik Fricke, director of Security. “Very few students dress up and those that do are just showing the spirit of Halloween. It’s a completely different environment than that of IV.”
There were no criminal reports of City College students caught up in the mix of Isla Vista.
“Percentage wise I’m sure that some of our students were [caught up in IV] but I didn’t get any reports,” said Fricke.
Oct. 25
9:35 a.m.
A homeless person who security has had contact with once before was bothering people during a track meet. On this occasion, he was asked to leave the stadium area because he was being loud by playing music on his portable radio and singing along. Security asked him to leave campus and not come back. Previously, in March, he was at a high school track meet held at La Playa Stadium, asking people for food.
Oct. 30
8:55 a.m.
During a soccer class, a male student suffered a seizure. 911 was called but Harbor Patrol showed up first to assist. Fire and Ambulance came as well. This was the second time the individual has had a seizure this semester during this class.
Oct. 31
11 a.m.
The officer patrolling the west campus bluff area smelled a strong odor of marijuana. There were three groups of students but the officer felt that he was able to narrow the source of smell down to 2 individuals. The officer did not actually see them smoking and the students denied. The officer warned them that it was not allowed on campus. No disciplinary action was taken.