Nate Stephenson
Former FBI agent Linda Esparza Dozer sits in her office as the new Title IX, gender equity coordinator on Friday, April 19, 2019, in the Administration Building at City College in Santa Barbara, Calif. “I want students to know my door is open, they can walk in, they can email me, they can call me to ask questions about sexual respect or to learn how to become an FBI agent," Dozer said.
From FBI agent to the City College’s new Title IX and Gender Equity coordinator, Linda Esparza Dozer is excited for her new journey.
Dozer’s office, which she proudly referred to as “a work in progress,” was filled with trophies and posters and missing several pieces of furniture.
The walls were adorned with “The X-Files” and an FBI poster, and she mentioned that a “Silence of the Lambs” poster could take up the remaining wall real estate.
Besides her love for ‘90s pop culture, she also has a background as an ex-FBI agent, lawyer, and a probation officer to bring to the table.
The Santa Barbara native attended City College for three years before transferring to UCLA, where she got her bachelor’s degree in political science.
She then returned to her hometown to attend the Santa Barbara School of Law, where she earned a Juris Doctor Degree and worked as a probation officer.
“It was pretty eye-opening right out of college, at 23 years old,” Dozer said. “It was my first taste at investigative work since they assigned me to an investigative task force.”
She then worked as a prosecutor for three years in Ventura County, mentioning that “being a prosecutor is the second best job after FBI agent.” It was there that she was able to explore “having enough power to do justice.”
David Saunders, an administration of justice teacher, investigator for the District Attorneys’ offices in Santa Barbara County and childhood friend of Dozer’s, was the one who told her about the Title IX Coordinator position.
The pair have had a long history of working together, continuing their partnership through her time as a probation officer and FBI agent.
“Her background in criminal justice is extremely rare,” Saunders said. “I worked for 31 years in law enforcement and no one had the experience she has. She’s very smart and has always been an extremely hard worker.”
For 22 years, she investigated civil rights violations, violent crimes, domestic and foreign terrorism and espionage as an FBI agent.
“It’s been quite a career ride,” Dozer said. “But a great one. It was very difficult leaving the FBI, it was such a good job to have.”
Going home every day knowing that you did something good… Working on a kidnapping case and getting the kid back was so exciting.”
Dozer hasn’t had much time to transition from her last position, as she started her new job at City College a weekend after leaving the FBI.
“I don’t have a clearance,” Dozer said. “I don’t have my gun. I’m back to being normal.”
Though she’s been here less than two months, she is confident in what she can offer to the school.
“I think I will be able to use not only my legal background but also my investigative skills,” she said.
She isn’t the only one that has high hopes for the position.
“She is a perfect fit,” Saunders said. “She’s a [City College] alumni with extensive investigative experience and has always treated others with authentic dignity and respect.”
Dozer is eager to reach out to the City College community to raise awareness about Title IX to create a safer, more equitable learning environment, and emphasizes her office’s open-door policy.
“You’ll probably see me at some point setting up a table in the cafeteria and I will make cookies and I will say ‘learn about Title IX! Have a cookie!”