Antony Marchiando
Photo Illustration
This summer students will enjoy pastries, champagne, and Dijon mustard in Paris as part of the School of Culinary Arts’ first trip to study the food and wines of France.
The program will begin in July and over the course of the month, students will learn about the culture and history of the French cuisine.
“It’s an idea to give students the opportunity to learn more about a different culture and have a great experience,” said Randy Bublitz, the program director.
Students will arrive in Paris on July 1 and will start their classes on July 3.
During the four-week program, students will go on trips to the local farmers’ markets, a champagne cellar, a biscuiterie, cheese and wine tastings and cooking classes.
Students will also attend a guest lecture on French cuisine and a trip to Burgundy, Beaune, and Dijon. The trip will include visits to the Beaune outdoor market, Hospices de Beaune and a walking tour of Dijon.
“It’s not just a trip to France, it’s educational. It’s the wine and the food culture and what makes it unique is that it’s actually being studied in the culture that we’re studying,” Bublitz said.
Although there have been requests in the past, this is the first time City College approved the School of Culinary Arts to travel to Paris.
“We’ve always wanted to do a summer abroad program. We’ve applied before to go to Italy, but the cost were too high and that idea didn’t go through. This is the first time for us,” Bublitz said.
The deadline to apply was April 22, but the program has filled up and students can no longer apply unless an enrolled student drops out.
There is no specific language or major requirement for the course, but students must be at least 18 years old and enroll in City College during summer 2015. The program costs around $3,490.
“There are primarily culinary arts students that sign up for this trip, but we have also members from the community that are interested in food and wine who sign up,” said Carola Smith, senior director of international programs. “This will be a really great program and I’m excited for the results.”
The students will return from Paris at the beginning of August.