Triangular shapes, patterns and random designs are the focus of the persona that is Rebecca Morris.
On Friday, Nov. 15, at 4 p.m., Morris is hosting a lecture in the Administration Building Room 211. Artists, friends and students are all welcome to come.
The Los Angeles painter has an unconventional approach to modern art. Her quirky, yet impressive style is what has carried her work into prestigious museums and modern venues throughout the world.
Her lecture will focus on the progression of her career, as well as her published book, “Manifesto: For Abstractionists and Friends of the Non-Objective.”
Morris paints on various sized canvases without concerning herself of the shape of the surface. The weight of her lines and colors in her palate make Morris’ style an individualized technique that is hard to replicate.
With solo exhibitions displayed in Chicago and Germany, where she has previously studied—the artists’ inspiration comes from all around the globe. Organic shapes and symmetry are two of the many concepts incorporated into a “Morris original” collage.
Morris closes out the art lecture series for the Fall Semester.
To find out more about Rebecca Morris and her abstract paintings, go to