William Inge’s comedy-drama, “Bus Stop,” offers a slice-of-life in a Midwest diner during its run at the Garvin Theater from Oct. 16 through Nov. 2.
This is a story made popular by the 1957 film featuring Marilyn Monroe as the nightclub chanteuse.
Set in 1955, a snowstorm blocks all roads and leaves a bus stranded outside Topeka, Kansas. The characters, a bus driver, young cowboy, nightclub singer, cowhand, and a washed-up scholar take refuge inside a nearby diner. Inside they meet the town sheriff and two waitresses.
“It explores the distinction of being alone and being lonely,” said Director R. Michael Gros.
As conflicts begin to emerge, their isolated area forces them to confront their problems rather than running away.
“There is nowhere to hide from each other or themselves,” said Gros.
For the actors to really captivate both the comedy and despair of the play, understanding their character was crucial, said Shannon Sullivan, a first semester City College student who is starring as the nightclub chanteuse.
“I try and live the role on and off the stage,” said, Pacomio Sun, who plays Bo, the young hotshot cowboy. “The little things help; talking like Bo off stage and wearing cowboy boots around the house.”
The production also features returning actors Leslie Gangl Howe and Raymond Wallenthin.
“The challenge of the play is that it is not a traditional comedy or drama,” said Gros. “It’s a melancholic play of hope.”
Tickets are online at theatregroupsbcc.com and range from $22 to $24 for general admission and $12 to $15 for students.